Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sneaky peak of some Oli Postcards

Here is a sneaky peak of some of the first Oli Postcards received!  Keep your eyes peeled here for more news and remember it is not too late for artists to contribute, just email 

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Oli Postcards is Back!

Yes I've been persuaded to do it all again. The Oli Bennett charitable trust will be running a secret art postcard sale that bears a passing resemblance to the RCA secret sale....

Last time we ran the sale it was a raging success, raising over £8000 and generating a lot of publicity for the charity and the artists involved.

All the postcards from that sale can still be viewed on the website until 31st May. We had donations from, amongst many others, DFace, Sir Peter Blake, Candice Tripp, Anita Klein, Remi rough and Josie McCoy and actors Eddie Redmayne and Clemency Burton-Hill.

This time the sale will be on 21st June 2013.

If there are artists reading this who would like to donate a postcard or three then please email me your name and address to:

I'll will get a pack sent out to you.

Thanks for reading!  The above is a sneak peak of one of the first cards donated!